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Taura Simmons ’23M Featured in “It Begins with Teachers”

Taura Simmons ’23M Featured in “It Begins with Teachers”

Oct. 23, 2024 | Emily Reier '28

Taura Simmons ‘23M, a graduate of the Watson College of Education, was featured in the “It Begins with Teachers” video series with the Watson College.

"My mom always challenged me growing up and when I would run into children or young people, I wanted to see that same curiosity,” Simmons said. “I’ve always wanted to kindle that. If I didn’t see it, it was just kind of natural for me to bring out the best in people. That’s how it has transpired in education for me.”

Simmons is a language and literacy specialist, literary coach, and AVID Coordinator at Athens Druve Magnet High School in Wake County. After transitioning from a 20-year career in financial services, Simmons became a leader in English language development, teaching at multiple high schools in Wake County. In Dec. 2023, she earned her M.Ed. in ESL and reading specialist licensure and achieved National Board Certification in the same month.

“When I think about the Watson College of Education,” she said. “I think of a group of like-minded professionals who are interested in developing leadership, influence, North Carolina society, the greater culture and trying new things — seeing what can have the biggest impact.”

Learn more about the It Begins with Teachers series and follow Simmons’ career journey and connect on LinkedIn. Simmons is a graduate of the UNCW Watson College of Education. Learn more about Watson news, programs, events, and more.

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