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Connect with your alumni family and catch up on the latest UNCW happenings during programs catered to specific regional areas or alumni interests.

Questions? Contact the Alumni Association by email or call 800.596.2881.

Regional Networks

Cape Fear

Our highest concentration of alumni, more than 30,000 live in the Cape Fear area. This group includes alumni within a 60-mile radius of the zip code 28403.

Cape Fear Representative:
Alex Wadsworth '08

Cape Fear Area Alumni Facebook Group »
Cape Fear Area Alumni LinkedIn Group »


More than 9,000 alumni in this area comprise the third-highest alumni concentration. This group includes alumni within a 60-mile radius of the zip code 28202.
Charlotte Representative: Dr. Christina Logan '20Ed.D

Charlotte Area Alumni Facebook Group »
Charlotte Area Alumni LinkedIn Group »

DC Metro

Our largest alumni group outside of North Carolina, with more than 2,500 alumni. This group includes alumni within a 60-mile radius of the zip code 20004.
DC Area Alumni Facebook Group »
DC Area Alumni LinkedIn Group »


More than 6,000 alumni are in the Triangle area, the fourth largest alumni concentration in North Carolina. Alumni within a 45-mile radius of the zip code 27408 are included.

Area Representative: Jerry Hudson '91

Triad Area Alumni Facebook Group »
Triad Area Alumni LinkedIn Group »


Close to 16,000 alumni makes this area the second-largest concentration of alumni. Graduates within a 45-mile radius of the zip code 27601 are included.
Triangle Area Representative: Franklin Relyea '17

Triangle Area Alumni Facebook Group »
Triangle Area Alumni LinkedIn Group »

Academic Chapters

Cameron School of Business

More than 20,000 UNCW alumni graduated from the Cameron School of Business (CSB). 

Facebook page »
LinkedIn Group »

Watson College of Education

More than 9,000 UNCW alumni graduated from the Watson College of Education (WCE). 

Facebook page »
LinkedIn Group »


Alumni Affinity Groups

African American Graduate Association

About: The UNCW African American Graduate Association (AAGA) celebrates African American alumni and provides networking and social opportunities through annual events and activities. AAGA aims to promote fellowship and foster goodwill by supporting African American students at UNCW.

Chapter President:
Roger Hyman '96

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LinkedIn group »

Crew Club

The Alumni Crew Club maintains the bonds of friendship between all members of the UNCW Crew Family and provides the necessary support for the current UNCW Crew Club to compete at the highest level of collegiate rowing successfully. The group hosts an annual reunion in September.

Club Representative:
Jennifer Triplett '97

Facebook page »

Wilmington College

Wilmington College opened its doors in 1947 to 238 students and became the University of North Carolina Wilmington in 1968-69. This group is honored annually at the 50-year Golden Wing Society Reunion on campus in the fall.